eBay Tip #30 Make a List and Check it Twice

Make a Check List

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I find that if you write down your daily goals or make a TO DO List, things will have a better chance of getting done.

This simple action is very important as you begin ramping up in the world of online selling, including eBay!

It serves multiple purposes.

Making a List……..

  • Gives your day a plan
  • Keeps you focused and on track
  • Is a great way to see what you’ve accomplished at the end of the day, by reviewing your “checked off boxes”
  • Allows you to prioritize your tasks into urgent, important and non-urgent

You can also break your daily tasks into time segments like: 15 minute slots, 30 minute slots, 1 hour or longer and then make your list!

Begin the Day

  • Checking and answering email
  • Printing packing slips for orders that need to go out
  • Finding all the items that were ordered
  • Get them packed, weighed and measured.
  • Print mail labels
  • Load up my bin for my daily mail pick-up, which happens later in the afternoon.

Listing and Photos

I look through my various piles and boxes to see which items I want to list on eBay and other sites: Amazon, Facebook, Craig’s List, Next Door or Poshmark.

Sometimes my mood dictates listing larger items on the local sites, other times I might focus on records, or clothing or memorabilia. Whatever it may be, write it down.

Don’t Get Stuck in Analysis Paralysis

Researching items is a fun task, but it’s important not to get to involved or spend too long with it. That can be real time suck!

  • Go to the eBay Search Bar
  • Type in the item you want to sell
  • Click on Advanced to the right of the Search Bar
  • You can choose to see what similar items to yours have sold and their prices
  • The number may vary, so pick a mid range number and set your selling price


What Else Will You Do Today?

After shipping your orders, listing your new items, you may still have time for other related eBay activities like:

  • Sourcing more items
  • Sharing your items on Social Media
  • Ordering new shipping supplies
  • Doing some basic bookkeeping
  • or Fill in the blank _____________________

Check Off Your Activities

  • Can you list 3, 5, 10 or more items per day? Per week? Per month?
  • As you grow your sales, there will be more for you to plan for! Your time is valuable!
  • Perhaps, you will fit in a walk or lunch with an old friend or some grocery shopping.

One of the best parts about selling on eBay is the flexibility you have.


eBay Tip #30

  • Make a list of daily tasks
  • Get into your daily routine in an organized way
  • Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis
  • Check off what you have accomplished
  • And always keep it fun!


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Author: Anne Zarraonandia

Anne Z is a certified USPTA tennis and pickleball professional who takes her many years of experience in teaching tennis to the online arena. Anne breaks down the tasks of online selling into simple language, especially for those who don’t have much computer, internet, or photography background.

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