eBay Tip #28 – Tips to Get Your Listings Moving

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EBay sent me a message today! I am going to review it’s contents below.


1) Review Active Listings

  • Perhaps re-write a title or description to better describe your item.
  • Maybe it might be time to take the listing down and donate!
  • Perhaps adding some new photos can help the listing overall!

2) Study the Competition

  • Review pricing of similar items and adjust given this information
  • Is you pricing higher than others?
  • Can you make it more competitive? eBay buyers love to get deals!

3) Be Sure Your Listing Category is Correct

  • I apparently have to correct a number of my listings, according to their message. I will click on the link and make adjustments as needed.
  • Click on the edit button to see options available.


4) Provide Item Specifics

  • Each category has drop down choices that will help items show up in “search” for eBay buyers.
  • The more info, the better chance they will find you!

Here is an example from a current listing of mine: Lakers NBA Jacket.

Promote Your Listings

  • There are some cool tools that allow you to Promote your listings and they will appear higher in the search for similar items. This does cost whatever percentage is applied to your items. This option is totally your choice, but I use it all the time!
  • I also like to put items on SALE frequently. Some of my older listings have more aggressive sales than the new listings. When you use this option, you will earn less, but move it sooner! At least that is the goal. I use sales all the time!


Touch It or Think About It

There is another way to get new sales that is commonly reported by fellow sellers.

If you want something to sell that has not sold after a long time being listed, then go over to where it’s located and TOUCH IT!

Seriously, that has worked for me! Of course, your results may vary! Worth a try! The goal is to make sales, so whatever it takes is what I say!


Tip #28

  • Goal: Make sales on slow moving listings
  • Task: Review listings
  • Task: Study the Competition
  • Task: Be sure you listing Category is correct
  • Task: Provide Items Specifics
  • Task: Promote Your Listings

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Author: Anne Zarraonandia

Anne Z is a certified USPTA tennis and pickleball professional who takes her many years of experience in teaching tennis to the online arena. Anne breaks down the tasks of online selling into simple language, especially for those who don’t have much computer, internet, or photography background.

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