eBay Tip #9 – Organize Your Work Space

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Organize Your Work Space

This is a tough post to write, since my work space is a work in progress and not perfect by any means. It’s the beginning of a New Year and we are all full of resolutions. One of mine is to clean up and organize my work space. I am lucky enough to have taken my eBay business out of my house into a “real office”. I share the office with other professionals, and I am the only eBay seller in the group.

Access to Computers


My portion of the office includes two work stations, many shelves and a small amount of counter space. It is to have a designated photo station and a connecting shipping area. Most of my boxes are ready to go, some need to be opened and taped up for use.


Label Everything

Since I sell on consignment for folks, some items I have are mine and the other stuff belongs to my clients. There are labels on everything, either by category or by number. I use Cross Post-It software for keeping track of my clients sales. See review of Cross Post-It here.

There are a few occasions when I can not find an item. It does happen, but I usually find it after rifling through boxes and shelves. It helps to have a somewhat photographic memory!


There are areas for listing, measuring and photo taking. My scale is always front and center since I measure and weigh every listing to be sure what kind of box it will be shipped in. About half of my boxes are brand new and the other half are from friends and neighbors. They save their Amazon boxes, bubble wrap and air pillows for me to reuse. I love recycling packing and shipping material.

Have Scale Handy at All Times!

Photo Station Ready for Action

Turn on a few lights and the photo station is ready for use! A simple white backdrop is key so the item stands out and is not lost in a cluttered background. I use my iPhone for taking pictures which are easily airdropped to my computer or go directly into the eBay listing. So easy and smooth!

Keep Organizing

It will take a couple of hours for me to get things cleaned up a bit, but in the meantime, my space works for me. I can find what I need: tape measure, tape, scale, etc for listings and shipping.


Tip #9

  • Goal: Organize Your Work Space
  • Task: Set up Photo Area
  • Task: Set up Scale
  • Task: Label all items so they are found easily
  • Task: Keep at it – It’s a work in progress

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Author: Anne Zarraonandia

Anne Z is a certified USPTA tennis and pickleball professional who takes her many years of experience in teaching tennis to the online arena. Anne breaks down the tasks of online selling into simple language, especially for those who don’t have much computer, internet, or photography background.

2 thoughts on “eBay Tip #9 – Organize Your Work Space”

  1. I’m finding it quite interesting to learn about the work involved in eBay as a business. It seems like a lot of work. Since you are working out of a separate office space, it must generate some sizable profit to make it worth the effort.

    1. Yes, Doug it is a lot of work but the freedom as your own boss is worth it as well. Some days are big selling days, others not, but consistency make it pay off. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by.

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