eBay Tip #24 Shameless eBay Plug

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My Shameless eBay Plug

I have been selling on eBay since July 1998! That’s a long time! I have been working on improving as a seller over the years and I am so close to a personal eBay Feedback goal, that I just have to share on my eBay Tips Page!

I am 100 positive feedbacks away from 10,000! Yippee!

This shameless plug is to show that you can do it too! Each sale can earn you an additional feedback point. Each purchase you make can also earn another positive point. One, after the other, adding to your total and one day you could be close a new level yourself.

Here is a breakdown of the eBay Feedback scores!

Now I recognize there are many other sellers achieving great success on eBay, but what is important for me to re-iterate is that I am just a regular person, selling regular stuff. I don’t have a warehouse, nor a large staff. At most, I’ve had a college student or two helping with listing or a friend occasionally help me with shipping. But for the most part, it’s been just me!

All on my own!

And I am very proud of my consistency, and that I stick to it! I have taken vacations and put my eBay store on hold. I’ve been able to make my own schedule, so that I could help my elderly father, in his last years. I raised a son and was able to go on his field trips in school, all because I sold on eBay.

There is something to be said about working for yourself. EBay is a platform perfect for a person who wants to make there own schedule. You can list every day, or once a month. Whatever your situation, you can make it work for you!

A Pat on the Back

As you sell on eBay, the feedback system is there to protect and inform fellow eBayers about each other. As you connect and sell and grow your feedback, others will see your reputation on eBay! It is there to show potential buyers that you want to do your best! In return, your growing score is a nice pat on the back!

As I share my personal goal, I am even more steadfast in being the best eBayer I can be! I want happy customers and I like “moving stuff around the universe”. If you need a boost in getting started, why not take my online course? I have it hosted on a few different platforms for you to choose from. I would love you to join me on eBay!

And I am focused on the next few months as I get closer to reaching 10,000 Yellow Shooting Star feedback! I will be posting when that day happens since it’s been a long time in coming.

When you do sell, please share your successes with me! I’d love to hear about them!


Tip #24

  • Goal: Celebrate your successes – like a feedback goal!
  • Task: Sell one item, then the next and so on!
  • Task: Make your own schedule to fit your style of selling
  • Task: Share your success with others! You can do it!

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Author: Anne Zarraonandia

Anne Z is a certified USPTA tennis and pickleball professional who takes her many years of experience in teaching tennis to the online arena. Anne breaks down the tasks of online selling into simple language, especially for those who don’t have much computer, internet, or photography background.

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