eBay Tip #14 – 7 eBay Misconceptions

Is eBay still around? You bet!
Photo by Anne Zarraonandia

I am always surprised to hear what people I meet daily, say about eBay these days. There are lots of eBay misconceptions about the long time online selling platform. Here is a list of seven of my favorites.

Is eBay Still Around?

Yes, after all these years, eBay is still a viable company and very safe online market place. It has been through a lot of changes over the years, some good, some not so good, but it’s still around! It was founded in 1995 (originally called Auction web) by Pierre Omidyar when he listed his laser pointer for $1, and later sold it for around $15. eBay now boasts over 182 million users and is a multi-billion dollar enterprise headquarted in San Jose, CA with dozens of office locations around the globe.

I am fortunate to be invited every quarter to meet the new eBay employees as part of a Top Rated Seller Panel in San Jose. What a great group of sellers we have on the stage in front of the new eBay hires. One seller, a former skateboarding champion, specializes in high end skateboards and accessories. Another seller is a ticket broker and sells highly sought after tickets to local concerts and sporting events! Another seller was named the Small Business Owner of the Year in 2018 and has grown an empire with eleven employees by selling electronics! And yet another sells tons and tons of women’s shoes to buyers around the world and is the single largest shipper in his zip code!

We share our stories with the new employees at eBay and they in turn ask us questions about eBay for their new jobs! Becoming eBay Summit is always a treat! I am looking forward to the upcoming Spring time event!

eBay Only Has Auctions

This is far from the truth! Fixed priced listings comprise more than two-thirds of all the items listed on eBay these days. Auctions certainly put eBay on the map as the “way” to buy back in the late 1990s and early 2000s but not anymore. Buyers don’t want to wait seven days to see if they won an item or not. Instant purchase is the way we shop now, along with getting a good deal! eBay certainly does have something for everyone, where you need it or not!


Anything Will Sell on eBay

Maybe, maybe not. The marketplace has changed a great deal over the twenty plus years of eBay. In the old days, when Beanie Babies ruled and auctions peaked the interest of the online buyer, many things did sell. Now it has to be in the right price range and from an experienced seller for the transaction to be completed. Most people do comparison shopping before purchasing between eBay, Amazon and other online marketplaces before they buy. It’s a tough world out there!


Buyers Will Return Their Sales to Rip You Off

This is not true. Most people are reputable shoppers and are easy to work with when selling to them. A few can give the whole a bad name on occasion. If you are fearful of your sale going “south”, then it might be that negative energy you are exuding and not the actual buyer. Sure, things do go awry sometimes in a transaction, but from my years of experience, it doesn’t happen very often. There are protections built into the system at eBay for both parties, having to do with returns, payments and refunds. The rules are in place and if someone takes advantage over and over again, they will be removed from eBay. Look at the glass half full: the transaction will probably work out just fine! If they are trying to scheme the system, they will get caught! Buy and Sell with confidence!

Coats Only Sell in Winter & Swim Suits Only Sell in Summer

A common eBay misconception is that winter wear only sells in winter

There are no seasons on eBay. Buyers are located all around the world and shop in the winter for summer items and in the summer for winter items. There might be a little spike in clothing in the actual season it’s being sold, but I have not had that experience. More people buy ahead of the season as they plan future trips, etc. Disposable income isn’t for practical purchases, it’s for looking down the road at what I want next! Sell your coat anytime! After all it’s winter somewear, all the time!

The Best Time to List Christmas Stuff is in December

Christmas in July for eBay Selling

Completely not true! I have more Christmas sales in July than in any other month of the year. Remember the old saying? “Christmas in July”. Well there are a lot of Christmas decorators and shoppers out there way ahead of the Christmas season. By the time Christmas comes around, it’s too late to have a big selection of Ugly Christmas Sweaters on eBay. They are all gone by then! I love to sell holiday items ALL YEAR LONG. See post above. There are no seasons on eBay! Keep listing and keep buying!

eBay is Too Hard to Do

For some that may be true, but for others like me, it’s a game/hobby/business that goes on and on and on. Yes, it changes, but that’s the fun of it or it would be boring. Once you learn some basics, have items to sell, keep a well stocked about of packing material and boxes, it’s quite simple. After all, it’s not brain surgery. If you have an item that someone else wants, they will buy it. It’s simple “supply and demand”. If there are one hundred china gravy boats listed on eBay and you do not want a gravy boat, it will stay on eBay without any sales.

Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be difficult. And don’t fall for some of the common eBay misconceptions pointed out in this post!

  • Find an item to sell.
  • Write an engaging title and description.
  • Take good photos.
  • Set a fair price.
  • Obtain the right shipping box ready in advance.
  • List it.
  • The sale will happen.
  • Ship it and move on to the next.
  • Have a backup plan: donate if it doesn’t sell in a month or two.

As the shampoo bottle says: Wash, Rinse, Repeat. It’s not hard.

Follow the steps and you can unload all sorts of things: from your house, from your friends, from garage sales, etc.

If you want to learn The ABC’s of Selling Online Using eBay, sign up for Anne’s online course today!

You can do it!

It isn’t brain surgery!

eBay Tip #13 – FREE eBay Listing Worksheet

eBay Lisiting Worksheet

Here is a free sample worksheet that you can fill out. It will gather the pertinent information for your eBay listing.

Remember, it will get easier the more you practice, practice, practice.

Auction title: _______________________________

80 characters – no punctuation – capitalize first letter of each word – NO ALL CAPS

Auction Subtitle_______(I don’t generally use this feature- extra cost)

Quantity ____________________________________________


Auction: ______________Duration: 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 days________

Fixed Price: ______________ Duration: Good ‘Till Cancelled:_____

Starting Price __________ (If auction, the lowest price you will take)

Buy It Now Price________ (Make this a bit higher, and entice buyers who don’t want to wait out an auction. This BIN price will disappear after one bid had been made, except in the clothing and some other categories. In those categories the BIN price will disappear once 50% of minimum bid is reached by bidders)

Fixed Price ____________ (You can start a bit higher, and add a MAKE AN OFFER also known as BEST OFFER to the listing. You can accept someone’s offer, decline or counter an offer. Some people will lowball you, but always counter in those cases. If you want a sure bet, accept their original offer because some people will be scared off when you counter their offer.)

Reserve Price ____ (I don’t use this feature-It makes some people angry!)

Payment options

PayPal?______Other?________ Local Pick-up Only ________

Do not ship item until you have received payment!


USA only: ______________________________________

International: ____________________________________

(It’s not as difficult as one might imagine. Start with countries you feel comfortable with like perhaps Canada and England.)

Global Shipping Program: _____________________________ Exclude Countries: _________________________________

  • You ship to an eBay US address, the buyer pays international rates.
  • It’s just like shipping to US buyers, eBay handles the rest for you! Easy!


Weight of item (in box):______________________________

Dimensions of box: length______ x height_______ x width______


  • First Class Mail: (under 13 ounces): ____________________________________________
  • Priority Mail: (1 pound or over): ____________________________________________
  • Media Mail: (books & media – no advertising in matter) ____________________________________________
  • UPS or Fed Ex Ground: (larger, heavier items) ____________________________________________

Special Shipping Instructions: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Handling Time

Will you ship in 1 day? 2 days? 3 days? _________________________________________

Refund Policy

Accept?_____________ Decline?_____________________

Time Frame?_______________________ (see options on eBay)

Business Policy

You can set up to incorporate your shipping and handling time together with type of mail service.

Fill in the blank templates on eBay to meet your preferences.

Time Saving Tip

Use the Calculated Shipping option, and you can never go wrong. The buyer will see what the cost is on their screen, depending on their zip code and yours (the seller’s location). Just fill in box size and weight and eBay does the rest.

Known Costs (go to USPS.com to see current rates)

Flat Rate Small Box________________________________
Flat Rate Medium Box______________________________
Flat Rate Large Box________________________________
Flat Rate Padded Envelope _________________________
Flat Rate Envelope_________________________________


  • If it fits in one of the above, same cost for anywhere in the USA. A great way to learn how much to charge for shipping!
  • You can order online at USPS.com or pick-up at local post office.

Condition of Item

(Circle one): New, Like New, Very Good, Good, Acceptable


(Be very accurate and honest!) ________________________________________________________________________________________



(Use bullet points or short paragraphs so it reads well!)_________________________________________

  • 1________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 2________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 3________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 4________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 5________________________________________________________________________________________

Model or Brand:__________________________________ Year:_________________________________________


Weight of item (no box):_________________________  pounds ________________________________________ ounces

  • I put this info in my description for reference
  • I make a practice of weighing and measuring most of the items I list, except things like CD’s or DVD’s.

Measurements of item

Length:________x Width:________x Height:________(inches)

Other info you may consider adding into description if it can help the buyer make an informed decision.

Origin or history of item: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Uses of item:____________________________________

Target group for selling item:__________________________

Comes with original box/packaging?________________________________________________________________________________________

Comes with instructions or manual?________________________________________________________________________________________

Misc. Info on item: ________________________________________________________________________________________


For Your Records

  • Price you paid for item:______________________________
  • Date you purchased:________________________________
  • Original Owner of Item: (if not you)_______________________
  • Where you purchased: ______________________________


Tip #13

  • Goal: Prepare a new eBay listing
  • Task: Fill in the blanks for each new item
  • Task: Practice, practice, practice
  • Task: You can do this!

eBay Tip #12 – Strategies & Goals for eBay Listing

Your First eBay Listing

Create your first eBay listing

One of the toughest things to do is actually click “List Your Item” on your FIRST eBay listing. The next toughest thing is to keep repeating the process to establish more and more inventory on eBay. Make listing a habit and choose a goal for yourself. Do you want to list daily? How many items? Then go for it! You can do it!

A simple philosophy on eBay is:

The more you list, the more you sell!

Nothing gets a eBay seller more excited than to sell something. Anything! The sound of the “cha-ching” on the mobile app is rewarding and contagious to boot!

Most sellers don’t find listing items as exciting as finding items to sell, so I will suggest a ways to make it so:

Make a Listing Goal

Make a goal of how many listings you want to create by day, week or month and try to stick to it!

  • One Listing Per Day up to Ten Per Day
  • 10 Listings Per Week up to Fifty Per Week
  • 50 Listings Per Month up to One Hundred Per Month

If you have a number goal in mind, it can be like a game to see if you can reach it. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but making a committment to reach a certain number does work for some people! How many listings do you want to try for? You can do it!

List Similar Types of Items Over and Over Again

When creating new listings it is often simplier to try do list a few of the same type of item back to back. You can make a template for shoes, or for DVD’s or for record albums or anything at all.

Let’s say you have a stack of record album LP’s you’d like to list. Start with one and often you will be able to use some of the same info, like weight and shipping info in each new listing. You can “sell similar”, once you have posted the first one and change the title and other details as needed. It will be a speedier way to list, once you get the hang of it!

Here’s an example:

  • Listing #1: The Beatles Abbey Road 12″ Vintage Vinyl Record Album
  • Condition: Good overall, some writing on back of cover.

Next step…..

  • Make a copy, paste and then change to this for the next record:
  • Listing #2: The Rolling Stones Some Girls 12″ Vintage Vinyl Record Album
  • Condition: Good overall, light scratches. AS IS.

    Keep going from there!
  • Listing #3: Bob Dylan Lay Lady Lay 12″ Vintage Vinyl Record Album
  • Condition: Very Good overall, played very little.

In no time flat, you will have three record albums listed, in the same “music => record albums” category and your shipping information remains the same for most records.

Next step…..

Try it for shoes, or toys or stamps, or any other similar types of items! The more familiar the listing process becomes, the faster you will be!

Sell the Same Type of Item You Just Sold

I like to play a “fun little game with myself” to make listing a bit more entertaining (listing can be somewhat dry unless it goes fairly quickly!) If I sell a Disney pin one day, then later that day I will try to list as least one more Disney pin. If I sell a hat, then I try to list another hat. If I sell a book, then I’ll list another book!

When something sells on eBay, it can renew your interest in particular categories and your “listing” energy goes up! Try it, it really does work!

Find Items with Bar Codes

The easiest listing of all is an item with a bar code. Type the UPC or ISBN (books) number from the package into the eBay search bar and it will most likely come back with the result of your exact item. Click on the product, fill in the condition and price and take a photo if necessary. You may also see a stock photo from the eBay catalog. If your item is new, it’s okay to use it and not take your own photo! This method of listing is often the quickest!

If you sell DVD’s, they all weigh about the same. eBay draws from it’s media catalog to populate the decription with all the pertinant info about the movie and it’s cast and director. It is very simple to list items with a bar code, that’s in the eBay catalog.

Select “sell one like this” and most of the listing is already completed for you!

Warning: One of a Kind Items Take Longer to List

Of all the tasks you will do on eBay, listing items is one of the more time consuming, especially if you list one of a kind items. They need special attention in their description and possibly custom shipping info, too.

If you sell an unusual or vintage item, there may or may not be another like it on eBay already, so you may have to start from scratch with your listing. That’s not a bad thing, but you don’t want to spend a super long time creating your listing. Put the important description info into a bullet point list, include an honest assessment of condition along with a fair price and you are almost home.

A short cut on shipping cost is either to use a flat rate box (small, medium or large) with a set price or use “calculated” shipping. Enter the box size and weight and eBay will give the buyer (by zip code) an estimated cost on their end. You will not have to know how much to charge on shipping. It works pretty well, though sometimes under charges the buyer. It’s all part of selling on eBay.


Tip #12

  • Goal: Get comfortable with creating eBay listings
  • Task: Set a goal number to list: daily, weekly, monthly
  • Task: Find similar items to list to make things go more quickly
  • Task: List the type of item you just sold on eBay
  • Task: Find items with bar codes to use the eBay catalog to pre-fill some information
  • Task: Try to avoid too many unusual, one of a kind items. It may slow you down and take away your motivation at first.

Have fun as you get more items listed on eBay!

Remember: The More You List, the More You Will Sell!

eBay Tip #11 – Sell the Right Items

As you begin selling on eBay, knowing what to sell and what not to sell is an important consideration.

Here are some ideas for you to ponder.

Is it Expensive?

Is the item you want to list extremely valuable or expensive? If NO, continue. It might be okay to try to sell.

If YES, don’t sell until you have more experience under your belt and have a higher feedback score for trust in the eBay community. Some eBay buyers might try to take advantage of new sellers. Be careful.


Is there a Hassle Factor?

Is the item you want to list difficult to ship? If NO, do not list.

If yes, the next question is: Does it fit into a box?

If, NO – find another item to sell.

If YES, do you have the right box?

Try not to list/sell an item until you either have the right “cost effective” (FLAT RATE perhaps) box and/or packing material.

I like to find the right box for shipping before listing, so I can weigh and measure it first and then put that info into the listing description or shipping calculation area. Try to avoid shipping mysteries or it may cost you big time money wise.

No Dining Tables, Please

One student from my eBay course wanted to sell her Grandmother’s Antique Dining Table as her first listing.

I tried to discourage her from doing so. Those type of items may need to sold using an in-person marketplace, like Facebook or Craig’s List or Nextdoor. It was also very expensive. Too risky!

Working Order?

Have you tested the item you want to sell, to see if it works properly? If yes, it may be okay. See above for hassle factor and expensive considerations.

If NO, while selling broken items for parts is completely do-able, I would start with items that are new in box. It’s a lot simpler to begin with.

Stay Away From For Now

Here is a short list of high risk items that new sellers should avoid as newbies:

  • Smartphones
  • Designer Handbags
  • Event Tickets
  • Designer Clothing
  • Electronics
  • Furniture
  • Jewelry
  • Fragile Items: china, glassware, vases, etc.

Too many risks regarding authentic vs fake. Apple iPhones and Coach bags can be very difficult items to sell for that reason. Electronics may need testing and time consuming. Furniture is usually too big for a box. Jewelry may be too expensive. Glass ware may break too easily. You get the idea.


Green Light – A OK!

Here is a list of items that are easy to list and sell. Easy to find. Easy to ship. Somewhat common.

  • Books
  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Magazines
  • New items in original packaging.
  • T-Shirts
  • Neck Ties
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Brands: Disney, Lego, Williams Sonoma
  • Items you know about how it works and where it comes from (that gives buyers confidence in YOU!)


Tip #11

  • Goal: Get comfortable identifying items that are easy to sell
  • Task: Start finding a few items that are fairly common and easy to ship.
  • Task: Stay away from high risk items, until you have more eBay experience
  • Task: Keep expanding, the more you sell, the more you learn!

eBay Tip #10 – Be Like Nordstrom!

Customer Service

Customer Service is king! Anyone who has ever bought anything knows that! If you want to be a good online seller, your customer service will allow you to stand out above the crowd! One of my favorite retailers, Nordstrom, does this the best! Have you ever needed to return any purchase, for any reason, to Nordstrom? It is no hassle and ALWAYS a pleasant experience.

The Customer is Always Right

If you want to be successful selling online, then there will be occasions when your buyer will not be happy! My policy is to validate there concerns, thank them for letting me know and always work with them on a positive solution, often with their input. You might wonder, “Doesn’t that lose you money?” NOPE, just the opposite. I bend over backwards, like Nordstrom, to be the best-seller for my buyer. Am I always happy about it? No, but I want my reputation to speak to future customers in a positive way.


On eBay and other selling platforms, there is usually a Feedback system in place, so potential buyers can read comments from past transactions. Your online reputation is everything! I am closing in on 10,000 positive feedbacks on eBay and I am excited about it! Why? Because, anyone who looks at my feedback score can see that I’ve been a very good seller! That will attract new buyers!

The Nordstom Tire Story

I googled this phrase “Nordstrom Tire Story” just now and found 995,000 results for it. If you never heard it, back in the 1970’s a man returned a car tire to Nordstrom in Alaska and they refunded his money. Nordstrom doesn’t even sell tires! This story has become part of the Nordstrom lore and their reputation remains top-notch! Read what Snopes says about it here! As an online seller, this is the best example why you should accept returns (you won’t get as many as you may fear!). I strive to be like Nordstrom whenever I can in my online selling!

No Questions Asked

I want my customers to be happy! That is my primary goal. Happy customers return to your website. They buy more stuff! Take a return. Send a refund or partial refund. eBay will scope out the bad buyers, so leave that to them. In today’s online shopping world, customers look for peace of mind when buying! Let your customer service stand out and be known!

Sometimes They Won’t Return It

I have accepted returns for as long as I can remember on eBay. I probably only have 3 in a total of 1,000 transactions. Many times the item may not be worth returning to me because the shipping costs would not make it worth it. I will ask the buyer to kindly dispose of the item or donate to their local charity. Or a few times, I said I would accept the return and they didn’t follow through with it. I am not out any money, because I only refund money once I get the item back. Sometimes the buyer changes their mind, because you were so open to receiving it. You just never know!

Time is Money

The longer you as a seller go back and forth with your customer by messaging each other on eBay, the more time you are spending on it, rather than listing more items which can make you money. Your time is valuable. I will often use the line: “I am sorry that you are unhappy with the item’s condition”. (Validation!) And then I will write: “How can I best make this transaction a good one for you?” Both of these responses show that you are willing to work with the buyer. They often turn their attitude around and say “Thank you!” (best case scenario).

Kill Them With Kindness

When I have an unhappy customer, I try to be as nice as heavenly possible! I may feel like sending a nasty note back their way (you can write the message and NOT send to feel better). Instead, I try to remain as professional as possible. I will always sign my name. Once they feel heard, you can see the difference in their next responses. I once had a buyer say they were sorry because they were in a bad mood. Another admitted to over-reacting. Try your best to be kind and it will often work in your favor! Or sometimes you just move on!

You Might Re-Sell it For More $

I try to see a positive, even when a return does come my way. Perhaps the jacket didn’t fit properly, or they just plain changed their mind. No worries. I can re-list with a click of the mouse and re-use my old description. I often then raise the price of the item. I have sold it again for more money, many times! Seriously, this trick works! If one person was interested, why not get more dough when the next person is interested!


Tip #10

  • Goal: To achieve an excellent online reputation
  • Task: Answer customers questions, comments or complaints with polite validation
  • Task: Offer returns or refunds, no question asked
  • Task: Ask how you can make the situation a positive one for the buyer
  • Task: Be like Nordstrom!
  • Task: Be kind!

eBay Tip #9 – Organize Your Work Space

Organize Your Work Space

This is a tough post to write, since my work space is a work in progress and not perfect by any means. It’s the beginning of a New Year and we are all full of resolutions. One of mine is to clean up and organize my work space. I am lucky enough to have taken my eBay business out of my house into a “real office”. I share the office with other professionals, and I am the only eBay seller in the group.

Access to Computers


My portion of the office includes two work stations, many shelves and a small amount of counter space. It is to have a designated photo station and a connecting shipping area. Most of my boxes are ready to go, some need to be opened and taped up for use.


Label Everything

Since I sell on consignment for folks, some items I have are mine and the other stuff belongs to my clients. There are labels on everything, either by category or by number. I use Cross Post-It software for keeping track of my clients sales. See review of Cross Post-It here.

There are a few occasions when I can not find an item. It does happen, but I usually find it after rifling through boxes and shelves. It helps to have a somewhat photographic memory!


There are areas for listing, measuring and photo taking. My scale is always front and center since I measure and weigh every listing to be sure what kind of box it will be shipped in. About half of my boxes are brand new and the other half are from friends and neighbors. They save their Amazon boxes, bubble wrap and air pillows for me to reuse. I love recycling packing and shipping material.

Have Scale Handy at All Times!

Photo Station Ready for Action

Turn on a few lights and the photo station is ready for use! A simple white backdrop is key so the item stands out and is not lost in a cluttered background. I use my iPhone for taking pictures which are easily airdropped to my computer or go directly into the eBay listing. So easy and smooth!

Keep Organizing

It will take a couple of hours for me to get things cleaned up a bit, but in the meantime, my space works for me. I can find what I need: tape measure, tape, scale, etc for listings and shipping.


Tip #9

  • Goal: Organize Your Work Space
  • Task: Set up Photo Area
  • Task: Set up Scale
  • Task: Label all items so they are found easily
  • Task: Keep at it – It’s a work in progress

eBay Tip # 8 Get the eBay App

The eBay App

We have all become so mobile in today’s online world. The same is true with buying and selling on eBay. All it takes is a few clicks!

I love to list items on my phone because it’s so easy and quick to create, edit and monitor my listings. I can use my phone camera to snaps pics of the items I want to list and they are instantly added to my descriptions. I can buy anything listed on eBay with the same ease.

Here’s a quick run down of the eBay mobile app!

Download the App

It’s available for both iPhone iOS and Android and it’s FREE!


Login & View all your options on eBay

Find the item

What do you want to buy or sell? Find it by typing into Search bar or scan the UPC code.


My example below shows my results when I searched for “Rocketman DVD Elton John”.

Click and Buy or Sell Yours

Click “Sell yours” and fill in some details like price, condition and how you will ship and you are done! It’s listed!

Other Pluses

  • Communication is a breeze between buyers and sellers if you have questions about listings.
  • You can accept “Best Offers” if that option is included in your listing.
  • You can pay with PayPal when you purchase an item.
  • You can check your Feedback score under your profile. See mine (as of today, below).

Another Cool Feature

On the home page you can see what is Trending on eBay.


The single best feature about the eBay app is the “Cha-Ching” alert! It rings out when you make a sale, if your sound notifications are turned ON. It’s fun to get that notification in real time and know you are making money right then!

Works on iPad too!

The next best thing about the mobile app is the crossover listing feature. The eBay app works on the iPad and other tablets and allows you to list from anywhere you have internet access! If you begin a listing on your desktop computer and SAVE DRAFT, then you can finish the listing on your phone or tablet and visa versa!

Here is a draft started on my desktop computer.

Here is the same draft that I will finish listing on my iPhone.

And finally, I will add a few photos with the iPhone and finish my new listing.


The desktop and mobile modes of eBay sync with one another quite well. I often begin a listing on the desktop, where I can type more quickly and then finish on my iPhone, which allows me to add the photos. So easy! So awesome. I highly recommend getting the eBay app today!

Limitations with the App

There are a few limitations for us PowerSellers. I have been told by people at eBay that the app was basically designed for the casual seller, though any type of seller can use it to list on eBay. Hopefully down the road, eBay will see advantages in having a PowerSeller style app with a few of the missing features I highlight below.

  • Unable to search more than 600 of our own listings (currently I have 650 listings)
  • Unable to send a refund to a buyer with the app (must use a desktop to do that)
  • Unable to check a Sales Tax box in a new listing from the app (must use a desktop to do that)


Tip #8

If you want a simple and fun way to list on eBay, then I recommend getting the eBay app for your phone or tablet.

  • Task: Download the mobile eBay app on your phone or tablet.
  • Goal: Create an eBay listing with it.
  • Goal: Buy something from eBay using the app.
  • Goal: Listen for the “Cha-Ching” alert! Congrats, you’ve made a sale!

eBay Tip #7 – Items Needed to Begin Selling on eBay

Tip #7

Be sure to keep these items handy in one general selling area and away from the rest of the household! No one likes to go hunting for scissors or the scale every time you are ready to ship a package!

Basic Supply List – the Essentials

  • Computer or iPad or iPhone
  • Printer
  • Scale – up to 50 pounds is best
  • 2-up Labels
  • Digital camera or iPad or iPhone
  • Shipping Boxes
  • Paper, ink, packing tape
  • Scissors, tape measure or ruler
  • A backdrop or 3 sided Science Display Board
  • Bubble wrap

Additional Helpful Supplies

  • Fragile stickers
  • Do Not Bend Stickers
  • USPS Priority Stickers
  • Blue painter’s tape
  • Brown gummed tape-heavy duty packing
  • Tripod
  • Jewelry Easel
  • Plate Easel
  • Shirt Folding Accessory
  • Impulse Sealer
  • Polybags
  • Mannequins, styrofoam head displays
  • Additional Digital memory card for camera-more storage
  • Plastic tubs for storage
  • Banker’s storage boxes
  • Photo Studio Light tent
  • White Board for planning & dry erase pens
  • USB Scanner for scanning bar codes


Tip #7

  • Goals: Be prepared before you begin listing on eBay
  • Task: Gather or buy the essentials

eBay Tip #6 – What Should I Sell?

What should I sell is a question I get all the time from new online sellers.

Here are some ideas of how to narrow it down.

Are You Trying to De Clutter?

If so, then the items you no longer need is a great place to start. ====>

If the item can fit into an average sized box, then eBay may be your answer. You have the choice of using your own box or one that comes free from USPS.

Is the item heavy, but can fit into one of USPS’s flat rate boxes, then the shipping cost will be very easy to calculate and will ship to anywhere in the USA for the same exact cost. International rates will be higher.

The boxes are free and can be ordered online from USPS.


Small Flat Rate

There is the small flat rate box (5 3/8″ x 8 3/8″ x 1 1/4″) which will fit three stacked DVD cases and costs a reasonable $7.50. It’s perfect for jewelry or electronics or other small sized items.

Medium Flat Rate

The medium flat rate box is 11″ x 8 1/2″ x 5″ and comes in a top loading or side loading style. Perfect for a lot of heavy magazines or books. One rate for delivery anywhere in the US up to seventy pounds. If you use eBay to ship, with seller discounts it will ship for $12.80 (as of today 1/6/2020).

Large Flat Rate

Large flat rate has a box that fits a large board game or what ever fits. One of USPS’s sayings “If it fits, it ships” is true for all the flat rate boxes. The large flat rate box comes in two sizes and can be ordered online: board game (23 11/16″ x 11 3/4″ x 3″) or the top loading style (12″ x 12″ x 5 1/2″). I personally use this size box when I ship “dead” or old, used tennis balls to buyers (for their dogs!). No matter where they get shipped the cost is predetermined ($17.60 as of 1/6/2020).

Some Selling Ideas

Items to sell in the de-clutter mode:

  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Dinnerware
  • DVD’s
  • CD’s
  • Record Albums
  • Books
  • Household item from the kitchen, bathroom, living room, play room, etc.
  • Sporting Equipment
  • Gardening tools
  • Electronics
  • Games
  • Jewelry
  • Toys

The list goes on and on. Do a quick search in the “search” tool bar on eBay to see if your items show up. There is a market for almost anything you can think of. Be creative. By selling on eBay you are trying to find a new home for your item and keep it out of the landfill for just a bit longer.


Flat Rate Padded Envelope

One of my favorite ways to ship many items from the list above is in a Flat Rate Padded Envelope. It provides a good value in the shipping cost area and will fit and protect many of the items you may sell. The size is generous (9 1/2″ x 12 1/2″) and costs $7.55 at present time (1/6/2020). They can not be found in most Post Office lobbies, so it’s best to order online. It’s very nice to have free supplies at your fingertips for selling online.

Places to Sell

If you have collectibles, then eBay is one of your best bets in selling online. You can consider Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, Craig’s List. Click here to see a more detailed list of available sites. I will be reviewing them in the next few weeks and months, so you can make educated decisions on where your items will sell best.


If you are unable to sell online and still would like to de-clutter, think of local charities who accept donations. I use a couple places in my town and my primary donation site is Goodwill. It happens to be located in the parking lot of my grocery store, so I can multi-task on shopping days and help others at the same time.

Keep an eye out for more posts on this website about what to sell. With over twenty years experience of selling online, I’ve seen the trends change and cycle up and down. I will also be posting about things that don’t sell well.


Tip #6

If you want to find items to sell, look no further than your own stuff. It might be time to de-clutter or Marie Kondo it, if it no longer gives you joy!

  • Task: Find a couple pieces of clothing you no longer wear or doesn’t fit
  • Goal: Pick a marketplace to sell and give it a whirl!

If you have already been selling on eBay or other marketplaces, what have you had successes in selling? Please share and comment below.

eBay Tip #5 – Selling Online is Just Like Sports

Tip #5

Before you can compete in any sporting endeavor, you must get in shape, train, practice and then to use a famous clothing company’s slogan:

Just Do It!

If you want to sell on eBay or any other market places online, you should prepare as a runner would for a race, or a tennis player for a match or a volleyball player for a big game.

Research (On Your Mark)

What kind of items do you want to sell? Are they vintage heirlooms left to you by your grandmother? Are they clothes that your kids have outgrown? Are they from a hobby you no longer do?

Once you have a few ideas on what you are going to sell, then let’s take a look at what price you might ask the buyer to pay. You can check to see what other similar items to yours are listed for on eBay, but that’s just the asking price. To find out the actual selling prices, you can do an advanced search on recent items sold very easily.

  • Look to the left of the main search bar at the top of the page
  • Click Advanced, then type in the name of your item in the “Keyword or Item Number bar”
  • Click “Sold Items” below that and hit “Search”.
  • The actual selling prices will appear in green and you can use that as a basic guideline for your selling prices.

If it is a newer item, you can check Amazon to see what the going price is on that market place. Repeat your searches on the online market place you plan to list you item: Poshmark, Craig’s List, etc.

Describe, Including Condition and Flaws (Get Set)

It’s time to write the description for your item. Add important info such as:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Model number
  • What’s included in your offer
  • Important identifyers
  • Take many clear, close-up photos (easy with our current cell phone cameras!)
  • And most importantly a fair assessment of it’s condition


Many folks I teach eBay to, over rate and forget to point out the flaws the item might have. Your feedback rating and customer’s success will directly connect to how honestly you evaluated the item’s condition. Be honest and fair and your buyer will appreciate knowing as much info as you can give about it.

Post Your Item (GO!)

Your description doesn’t have to be perfect for you to actually list it. Do your best. Buyers may ask questions if certain info is missing. There will be a learning curve. It is essential that you just try it and see what happens. In other words:

  • Practice
  • Practice
  • Practice

Just like in sports, you will win some and you will lose some. Be prepared for the unexpected. Mistakes will happen. I have accidentally sent items to the wrong buyer. I have inadvertently missed describing a small crack in a vase. I have made many other mistakes, and learned from every single one of them.

And when you make your first sale and they pay you via PayPal, you will feel like you’ve hit a Home Run! After shipping your first item and they leave you positive feedback, you will feel like you won the Olympic Gold Medal! After my twenty + years of selling online, I still get a charge for every single sale I make. There is nothing like it. Well maybe it’s close to success in an athletic competition. Yes, it’s very much like playing sports.

My advice if you are on the fence about selling online:

  • Get yourself in shape (Research what you are going to sell and for how much)
  • Train (Write a great description, with honest condition evaluation)
  • and Don’t Look Back! (Go! You can do it!)


Tip #5

  • You will find success by doing rather than waiting.
  • You will learn from setbacks and criticisms.
  • You will be stronger for having tried.
  • There is not much to lose.
  • In fact, you might learn a few things along the way and even make a little money!
If you want to try selling online and learn from a Real Pro!
Sign up for Anne Z’s online course:
The ABC’s of Selling Online Using eBay



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